About Toitsu


Toitsu Package Co., Ltd.
is an industry leader in
corrugated packaging

We are ready to serve with excellent service and
high quality products, in order to meet the diverse needs
and create maximum customer satisfaction.

Integrated Services


We provide a one stop service for corrugated packaging

  • selecting the material
  • designing and developing
  • monitoring product quality at all stages of production delivery
Rest assured that every product will be delivered to customers safely and on scheduled (Just in Time)

Advanced Technology


Our competitive advantages also lie in our advanced technology.

We use 4 color Flexo Printing System for high printing quality, Automatic Die‐cutting Machines, Automatic Gluers and Stichers, in order to reduce manufacturing loss. Under the supervision of our experienced personnel, our manufacturing process is quick, precise , and causes minimum damage.

Quality Control


We put our priority to the quality of the products. Monitoring and quality control in every production process,

in order to deliver the best to our customers. We are ready to help solve quality issues in a timely manner. Additionally, we are committed to continuous improvement to maintain the standards of quality products.

Environment Consciousness


We continuously carry out awareness campaign and training for environmental management and safety for employees at all levels.

All of our employees are involved in the preservation of the environment both inside and outside of the organization, in order to raise the living standard in the workplace, and to create good environment for the community and the society.


  • Design and develop with our experienced design team,

    with concerns about the maximum benefits of the package and its appearance, in order to meet the customer requirements. Additionally, we put efforts into reducing the use of sheetboard and other raw materials.

  • We have an automatic sample cutting machine

    for corrugated box that can produce fine samples, very similar to the real production, which can be inspected and tested prior to the actual production.


We have the ability to deliver “Just in Time”

Factory Area 13 Rai (20,800 m2)
Manufacture Corrugated Box & Related Cushion Material
Product Capacity 9,000 Tons/Year
Establishment 25 July 1991
Capital 30 Million Baht
Employee 180 Persons

Standards and Certifications

ISO 9001 : 2015

Quality Management System ISO 9001 : 2015

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Forest Stewardship Council™ certificates system

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Environmental Management System for SMEs

(EMS for SMEs) from the Department of Industrial Works in 2014


Quality Policy

" Standard Quality, Work with Care,
Responsible for Requirements ,
On‐time Delivery,
and Sustainable Development"

Quality Objectives

  1. Produce standardized products that meet the customer needs and expectations.
  2. Work with care and responsibility in every process.
  3. Deliver products to customers in a precise and timely manner.
  4. Develop the production processes to be most effective.
  5. Continuously develop the human resources, products, and services.

Environmental Policy

Toitsu Package, a corrugated packaging manufacturing company is conscious of its social and environmental responsibility, and committed to developing and implementing continually efficient environmental management system. We will do so by adhering to the following principles:


Proceed our operations in accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation and other environmental related requirements.


Define and achieve the goals and objectives of environmental management and safety for continuous improvement.


Promote the efficient use of technology, natural resources, and energy for the highest productivity and quality. Emphasize pollution prevention and mitigation of environment impacts, both in and outside of the company.


Promote and implement a training program in environmental management and safety for our employees. Ensure the involvement of employees at all levels in our environmental protection efforts, by incorporating environmental performance in the annual performance evaluation.

Personal Data Protection Policy

Toitsu Package, is conscious of the importance of personal data protection, and thus committed to our PDPA policy according to the related PDPA laws and regulations.



Company Profile


Company Profile of Toitsu Package Co., Ltd.

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Our Clients

  • Client 9_eng
  • Client 8_eng
  • Client 7_eng
  • Client 6_eng
  • Client 2_eng
  • Client 3_eng
  • Client 4_eng
  • Client 5_eng
  • Client1_en
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